Types of Approval

The HSNO Act prohibits the importation, development, field testing, or release of a new organism, unless it is in accordance with an approval issued under the Act. bfdbb2e2-a089-4cbb-a6ae-c4be56bdafd9

There are a number of types of approvals: 27ca9945-7184-4d21-b48e-0eaf2d18d592

  • An approval to import for release or release from contaminant any new organism (full release approval)
  • A conditional release approval to import for release or release from containment a new organism (conditional release approval)
  • An approval to import for release or to release from containment a qualifying organism 7e510629-793e-4c61-b2dc-369976aaba6e
  • An approval to import any new organism into containment, field test any new organism in containment, or develop any new organism in containment (containment approval or field test approval)
  • An approval to import any new organism for release in an emergency, or release any new organism from containment in an emergency (emergency release approval)

Milford Sound Estuary (Credit: Raewyn Peart)

  1. Section 25 Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996

  2. Section 27 Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996

  3. Section 2 defines “qualifying organism” to mean a new organism that is or is contained in a qualifying medicine or qualifying veterinary medicine. This type of approval is not discussed in this guide.

Last updated at 12:22PM on February 25, 2015