Property spray plans

Spray plans 29aabf56-7d42-405d-af49-ef790c6234dc are used as a method to identify the potential risk posed by those applying agrichemicals and to communicate with neighbours with sensitive areas as to how this risk will be managed. The components of a spray plan outlined in NZS 8409:2004 include:

a)  A list of crops to be sprayed, types of chemical used and their likely frequency
b)  A map detailing the location of sensitive areas
c) Strategies used to avoid contamination of sensitive areas
d) Identification of agrichemicals that may have a specific hazard. Identity of persons carrying out the application and their qualifications
e) Identification of weather conditions that may increase potential drift hazard
f)  Ideally, a list of neighbours, their telephone numbers and consultation with them to establish mutually acceptable measures to avoid or manage the effects of drift
g) Spray Plan must be available on request

Operators must make sure their spray does not reach non-target areas.  This may include water or drift over property boundaries, though some agrichemicals are registered for use over water. Operators are required to follow the instructions found on the label and NZS8409. 

Best practice example: Otago Regional Plan: Air

Schedule 4, Good Management Practices for Agrichemical Application: (Note: based on older New Zealand Standard 8409:1999 )

In discharging agrichemical sprays a person should:

a)  Not spray upwind
b)  Not spray when wind direction is unpredictable or when there are high winds, or very low or no wind conditions (some wind may assist in correct targeting of spray).
c)  Not spray during inversion conditions.
d)  Make use of appropriate and effective buffer zones and/or shelter belts to minimise the risk of spray drifting to non-target areas
e)  Have particular regard to the selection of nozzle size and pressure from the spray unit, in order to minimise the risk of spray drift.
f)  In the case of ground application methods, apply spray at a height preferably less than 0.5 metres above, but no greater than 1.5 metres above the target.
g)  In the case of aerial application methods, be a person who holds a Growsafe Pilots’ Agrichemical Rating Certificate of Qualification
h)  Comply with the manufacturer’s instructions, as stated on the container label or in information sheets.
i)  Preferably use spray formulations of low volatility and toxicity
j)  Dispose of surplus spray solution and spray containers according to the Code of Practice for the Management of Agrichemicals, 1999 and the recommendations of the manufacturer or supplier, as stated in the directions on the product container label.
k) Keep specific records of the type of each spray and any additive applied, the pest species targeted, the volume of spray, the volume of product, concentrations used, the time, date and locality, identification of any sensitive area (see (a) above), the meeting of any notification requirements, and equipment calibration details, as well as a specific inventory of the types and volumes of any chemicals in storage.
l)  Use only those agrichemicals currently authorised for use in New Zealand.
m)  Also take into account the information provided on the accompanying chart to minimise the risk of drift hazard.

The NZ Agricultural Aviation Association have developed a risk management system to ensure the sustainability of aviation’s General Aviation sector. The AIRCARE™ Accreditation Programme includes a significant environmental management component covering aerial application of agrichemicals, fertilisers and vertebrate toxic agents.   

Other resources of value include the following websites:




Last updated at 11:04AM on November 27, 2015