Further information

The EPA may request an applicant to provide further information relating to the application. The EPA is required to provide a copy of any further information provided by the applicant to every submitter. dc06cddc-b4b0-4921-9e43-e5eb2fcc38be

The EPA may commission an independent review of the impact assessment or seek advice on any other aspect of an application for a marine consent, and must make any reports or advice available to the applicant and submitters. b47f3667-22a7-4062-9345-cd4868017f54

Example: During the first Trans-Tasman Resources marine consent process the EPA made two requests for further information. These can be viewed on the EPA website. The EPA also commissioned independent technical reviews in relation to ten topics and independent peer reviews in relation to seven topics. These can be viewed on the EPA website. The independent peer reviewers participated in expert conferencing and presented evidence to the Decision-Making Committee

  1. Section 42 Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012

  2. Section 44 Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012

Last updated at 3:56PM on December 28, 2017