Other matters

An applicant does not have to use the Act for its approvals. It can apply for consent under any specified Act using the process set out therein. However, it cannot ‘double dip’ and apply for approvals under both laws. If an applicant chooses to proceed with fast-track, it must withdraw its other applications for corresponding approvals. 8acd12a2-9cb3-4482-8c27-191dfb1801c0 It must make that withdrawal within 5 working days of being notified that its substantive application under the Act is complete and within scope. 49e789a0-4a6d-4c3c-999d-706fc229cbef  

If an applicant has an existing approval under a specified Act, a right to continue operating under an existing resource consent or an exploration permit or mining privilege, it can continue to operate under that approval while it applies for new approvals under the Act. 4d4de59d-90cd-44ff-b191-37f831e0e48e

An approval granted under the Act generally has the same force and effect as if it were granted under the a specified Act.  The approval commences on the date the Panel issues its decision, or on a layer date specified by the Panel. 

In relation to electricity infrastructure on Schedule 4 land or in a national reserve, certain matters (like section 5 of the National Parks Act 1980) are disapplied. 

In relation to notification, the EPA must make all notices or documents received and sent by it, publicly available, subject to it being able to withhold the information for good reason under the Official Information Act.  

  1. Fast-track Approvals Act, s 94(2)

  2. Fast-track Approvals Act, s 94(3)

  3. Fast-track Approvals Act, s 95

Last updated at 7:40PM on February 7, 2025