Managing coastal hazards
Much of New Zealand’s coastline is tectonically active, and exposed to tsunami, as well as being prone to erosion. In addition, the sea level around the country is rising at a steady rate (relative mean sea levels in New Zealand have risen by 0.16 metres over the last 100 years, on average 72c932f2-001b-476e-abbd-2448c2e41db4 ) and is predicted to accelerate with global warming.
It is only when people or property are threatened by natural events and processes that they are considered hazards. With over 75 per cent of New Zealanders residing within 10 kilometres of the shore, 4e961c6d-8037-48c8-a24f-0423ebe9ad72 our naturally highenergy and dynamic coastal environment becomes a potentially hazardous place if not well managed. Human-induced accelerated climate change will continue to exacerbate coastal erosion and other natural hazards, which in turn directly increase the risk of harm to infrastructure and private property. If the response to coastal hazards interferes with natural coastal processes and the migration of natural coastal features (for example, through the use of hard protection structures and river mouth cutting) then there will be adverse effects on natural habitats, ecosystems and public access.
For more information on managing coastal hazards click here.
Last updated at 2:12PM on February 25, 2015