Protect heritage sites or values

Where heritage sites or values require permanent protection, place a restrictive covenant over the land title. Ensure that, where there is accidental or planned impact on heritage sites, full records are maintained. Ensure that buildings, structures, earthworks or plantings do not damage heritage sites. Where there is the potential to uncover new archaeological sites or burials, manage the construction process to reduce this risk.

Key points to consider:

  • Monitor earthworks
  • Develop a management plan to deal with such sites if they appear
  • Seek sympathetic new uses for heritage buildings rather than demolition or relocation, which are always poorer outcomes
  • Where historic buildings or structures are modified, ensure that new parts of the building blend in well with the old
  • Use appropriate materials and colours in heritage building modifications
  • Preserve exteriors where possible and facilitate recording of interiors before modification
  • Planting and vegetation management with respect of archaeological sites 6132d4b7-c6ef-45e6-8e46-f721473964b1

Last updated at 12:22PM on November 23, 2017