District Plans

Historic heritage should be a significant element in any district plan. District plans should include a separate chapter relating to historic heritage which contains objectives, policies and rules. Historic heritage issues traverse a range of planning issues and it is therefore important to ensure historic heritage matters are also recognised in related sections.

All district plans should contain a heritage schedule. When preparing or changing a district plan a territorial authority must have regard to any entries on the New Zealand Heritage List. a1d841bf-52aa-41f8-b780-a539e0ffc1c6  The heritage schedule should also include other heritage buildings, archaeological sites, heritage precincts and Māori heritage. The schedule should include robust and sufficient information, including the name of the heritage place, ownership, geographical boundaries of the place, the values of the place, evidence relating to the place, the condition of the place, the risks to the place 2ebb4a3b-4004-4913-9f7b-fe8baac2cde5 .

District plans should contain:

  • A discussion of significant historic heritage issues pertaining to the district
  • Objectives and policies for historic heritage
  • Appropriate rules for the protection of historic heritage including undiscovered historic heritage
  • Standards for assessing resource consent applications involving historic heritage
  • Key definitions associated with historic heritage
  • Notification rules relating to historic heritage
  • Appropriate resource consent information requirements involving historic heritage
  • A heritage schedule
  • Maps showing the location and extent of scheduled historic heritage

Incompatible design of new structures may compromise heritage buildings. To address this, district plans may also include design control policies and rules. One approach is to permit new structures subject to compliance with standards addressing matters such as height, bulk and location, daylight access, site coverage, private space, parking and landscaping. Another approach, where discretion over design is desired, is for new structures to be controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary, or non-complying activities. 64a2bee8-6710-46c5-be24-be279c8e1d1f

The Heritage New Zealand Sustainable Management of Historic Heritage Guidance series provides further guidance on District Plans.

  1. Section 74(2)(b)(iia) RMA

  2. Environmental and Resource Management Law, Chapter 15: Heritage, page 957-958

Last updated at 12:22PM on November 23, 2017