Case Study 1 - Mount Maunganui Mātaitai reserve

The Mount Maunganui Mātaitai reserve, established in 1998, covers the waters surrounding Mount Maunganui and part of Tauranga Harbour. It recognises the strong and enduring connection the local hapū has with this area. 5037c8c5-d8ad-4420-a454-8221d235067c

The local Tauranga Moana, Ngaiterangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pukenga, advise the Ministry for Primary Industries directly on how best to manage fishing in the reserve. Commercial fishing is banned within the six square kilometre reserve area, but recreational and customary fishing is still allowed and recreational fishing does not require a permit from local Māori.   

This mātaitai reserve is in place to allow the Tauranga Moana to more effectively manage customary fishing in important traditional fishing grounds. For example, a temporary closure was put in place during the late 2000s for the taking of green-lipped mussels between Moturiki and Motuotau Islands to assist with the recovery of the population.

This project has helped improve the understanding of the mauri that the local iwi place on an area and enables tangata whenua to more effectively manage customary fishing through marine management tools. It demonstrates the need  to be cognisant of wider community desires for use and management of a marine area and has offered the opportunity for education of general public about kaitiakitanga.


Last updated at 2:11PM on February 25, 2015