Resource Management Act 1991

Regional councils are responsible for controlling a number of activities in the coastal marine area which can affect biosecurity, 10630c51-13b4-4145-a5f4-b1b0cfc5a0ed  including the establishment of structures, in-water cleaning of vessel hulls, and the discharge and deposit of substances into the marine environment. The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS) requires regional councils to provide, in regional policy and planning documents, for the control of activities that could have adverse effects on the coastal environment by causing harmful aquatic organisms to be released or otherwise spread. f7eac8c3-9618-4fcd-918d-56c1735388ca  Resource consent conditions can also help to manage the risks of damage to the marine environment from such activities.

The activities identified in Policy 12 as likely to impact on the marine environment include:

  • The introduction of structures likely to be contaminated with harmful aquatic organisms
  • The discharge or disposal of organic material from dredging, or from vessels and structures, whether during maintenance, cleaning or otherwise; and whether in the coastal marine area or on land
  • The provision and ongoing maintenance of moorings, marina berths, jetties and wharves
  • The establishment and relocation of equipment and stock required for, or associated with, aquaculture

The figure below highlights the different ways marine pests are managed in New Zealand (Source: MPI):

  1. Resource Management Act 1991, section 30

  2. New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010, Policy 12 

Last updated at 2:11PM on February 25, 2015