Managing Natural Hazard Risks in New Zealand
The key pieces of legislation relating to the management of natural hazard risks in New Zealand are the:
- Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA);
- Local Government Act 2002;
- Building Act 2004; and
- Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEM Act)
When viewed together as a whole they provide “a legal foundation for building sustainable, hazard-resilient communities and provide planners with a range of tools to avoid and mitigate hazard risks.” df98c5e6-b5f2-4361-91f9-3efa0e0a6186 The majority of natural hazard management is delegated from central government to local authorities. Health and safety is an RMA issue under Section 5 as a matter that needs to be considered by planners.
B Glavovic, W Saunders and J Becker “Land-use planning for natural hazards in New Zealand”(2010) Nat Hazards (54) 679.
Last updated at 1:11PM on February 8, 2018