
A local authority may delegate any of its functions, powers or duties under the RMA to any committee of the local authority or any community board. 87e2a6f3-5540-4816-9a9a-c7853c6e1d9f  It may delegate any of its functions, powers or duties, except for the approval of a proposed policy statement or plan, to any employee or hearings commissioner. 95168127-ea68-45b7-9cd1-659cd34a54a1  It may delegate any of its functions, powers or duties, except for the approval of a proposed policy statement or plan, the decision on a resource consent application, and the making of a recommendation on a requirement for a designation, to any other person. 700e1364-c61a-431a-9240-90b96116e04b If a local authority is considering appointing hearing commissioners to conduct a plan hearing, it must consult iwi authorities as to whether it is appropriate to appoint a commissioner with an understanding of tikanga Maori and the perspective of local iwi or hapu. 88cdbd20-ce37-43e1-b739-3eae68654cf6  

The delegation may be made on such terms and conditions as the local authority thinks fit and may be revoked at any time by notice to the delegate.

  1. Section 34 Resource Management Act 1991

  2. And the power of delegation: Section 34A(1) Resource Management Act 1991.

  3. And the power of delegation: Section 34A(2) Resource Management Act 1991.

  4. Section 34A(1A) Resource Management Act 1991

Last updated at 11:34AM on January 8, 2018