Duties and Restrictions
Part 3 of the Resource Management Act sets out duties and restrictions in relation to certain activities. In some cases, a resource consent will be required unless the activity is expressly authorised by a district or regional plan. In other cases, the activity only requires a resource consent if it contravenes a rule in a regional or district plan.
Activity | Resource Management Act | Restrictions |
Land Use | Section 9 | Any use of land is allowed, unless it would contravene a national environmental standard, a regional rule or a district rule. Where restrictions are in place in planning documents an activity may only proceed if expressly allowed by a resource consent or it is allowed as an existing activity. |
Subdivision | Section 11 | Land may be subdivided if the subdivision is expressly allowed by a resource consent or the subdivision does not contravene a national environmental standard or a district rule (including a rule in a proposed district plan if there is one). Note: exceptions apply in respect of Māori land. bea724dd-5c18-4cb2-bc83-f9247f7ff2b4 |
Coastal Marine Area | Section 12 | A resource consent must be obtained to carry out the following activities d27fa0f9-5c84-4974-bdef-24a850e6708f in the coastal marine area, unless the activity is expressly allowed by a national environmental standard or a regional coastal rule (including a rule in a proposed regional coastal plan if there is one): A resource consent must be obtained to carry out any other activity in the coastal marine area in a manner that contravenes a national environmental standard or a regional rule. |
Beds of Rivers and Lakes | Section 13 | A resource consent must be obtained to carry out the following activities 84c57c86-9322-4ec3-96e6-e50d37453e2c in the bed of a lake or river, unless the activity is expressly allowed by a national environmental standard or a regional rule (including a rule in a proposed regional plan if there is one): A resource consent must be obtained to carry out the following activities d142f883-e9d4-41be-bd63-a099ce71b37f in the bed of a lake or river in a manner that contravenes a national environmental standard or a regional rule: - Enter or pass across the bed of a lake or river |
Water | Section 14 | A resource consent must be obtained to take, use, dam or divert any water (coastal water, fresh water or geothermal water) unless: |
Discharges of Contaminants | Section 15 | A resource consent must be obtained to discharge a contaminant: Unless the discharge is expressly allowed by a national environmental standard or a regional rule (including a rule in a proposed regional plan if there is one). A resource consent must be obtained to discharge a contaminant into the air or onto land in a manner that contravenes a national environmental standards or a regional rule, unless the discharge is expressly allowed by a national environmental standard or other regulations. The Resource Management Act also contains restrictions on the dumping and incineration of waste or other matter in the coastal marine area (section 15A), the discharge of harmful substances from ships or offshore installations (section 15B), and prohibitions in relation to radioactive waste or other radioactive matter in the coastal marine area (section 15C). |
Noise | Section 16 | Every occupier of land and every person carrying out an activity in, on, or under a water body or the coastal marine area shall adopt the best practicable option to ensure that the emission of noise from the land or water does not exceed a reasonable level. A national environmental standard, plan or resource consent may prescribe noise emission standards. |
General | Section 17 | Every person has a duty to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment arising from an activity, whether or not the activity is carried out in accordance with a national environmental standard, a rule, a resource consents, or an existing activity right. |
Last updated at 10:34AM on December 18, 2014