What is the effect of an abatement notice?
The offending party must comply with the abatement notice within the period of time stated in the notice. In the case of an excessive noise direction the offending party must comply immediately. It is an offence to contravene an abatement notice (unless, on appeal, a stay of the notice has been granted by the Court while the appeal is decided) and an excessive noise direction. d8fd92d9-d997-4c1d-99b9-2d1e88cda2c0 A person committing such an offence is subject to up to two years imprisonment or a fine up to $300,000. Any other entity committing such an offence is subject to a fine up to $600,000. 6a84f70f-ea7d-4434-b86a-89212549579a
Section 338 Resource Management Act 1991
Section 339 Resource Management Act 1991
Last updated at 12:36PM on December 15, 2014