
A decision must be issued no more than 2 years after notification of the proposed policy statement or plan. 08e8d882-0ca4-459d-bc38-e691c2840116  A decision must include the reasons for accepting or rejecting the submissions, and, a further evaluation of the proposed policy statement or plan in accordance with section 32AA. 973904f9-6624-431a-90ad-4d9d5963ccb2  All submitters must be notified when the decision is issued. da3424ad-d7be-4ef3-9df2-5701452bfa89

  1. Clause 10 Schedule 1 Resource Management Act 1991

  2. Clause 10 Schedule 1 Resource Management Act 1991

  3. Clause 11 Schedule 1 Resource Management Act 1991

Last updated at 10:58AM on December 15, 2014