Appeal rights

The applicant and any person who made a submission on the application can appeal the decision to the Environment Court. a9b61963-a78c-499e-a734-1e4ba9807385   If the decision relates to a coastal permit (a consent for an activity in the coastal marine area) then the Minister of Conservation is also able to appeal that decision.

There is however no right to appeal against the whole or any part of a decision to the extent that the decision relates to a boundary activity, unless that boundary activity is a non-complying activity under the relevant plan.

A person who made a submission on the application who wants to appeal the application may appeal any matter, whether it was raised in their submission or not, unless the matter was struck out of their submission by the decision-maker on the application.

A notice of appeal must must state the reasons for the appeal and the relief sought, be in accordance with the prescribed form and lodged within 15 working days of receiving notice of the decision. A notice of appeal must also be served on the applicant and other parties who made submissions on the application within five working days of lodgement with the Environment Court. 5d42a0bf-2a27-4554-9cff-b6d8e674111e

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  1. Section 120 Resource Management Act 1991

  2. Section 120 RMA

Last updated at 10:46AM on August 23, 2021