Cancelling a consent

Unless a resource consent expressly provides otherwise, a consent authority may cancel a resource consent by written notice if the consent has been exercised in the past but has not been exercised in the preceding 5 years. 5b47c104-313c-4f6d-bd59-465dd3dd5206

If within 3 months of the notice of cancellation being received an application is made to the consent authority to revoke the notice, the consent authority may decide to revoke the notice after taking into account whether the applicant has obtained approval from persons who may be directly affected by the revocation of the notice and the effect of the revocation of the notice on the policies and objectives of any plan or proposed plan. 5192f5b0-bf57-48bf-a903-87d384db81c2

A consent authority may also cancel a resource consent if: 1c716d07-5b79-4d82-b655-17e9e9c652f9

  • The information supplied by the applicant in the consent application contained inaccuracies which materially influenced the decision made on the application and there are significant adverse effects on the environment resulting from the exercise of the consent
  • The consent holder has been convicted of an offence for contravening the consent and the Court has ordered the consent authority to review the resource consent and there are significant adverse effects on the environment resulting from the exercise of the consent
  1. Section 126 Resource Management Act 1991

  2. Section 126 Resource Management Act 1991

  3. Section 132 Resource Management Act 1991

Last updated at 3:27PM on December 11, 2014