Changing consent conditions
The consent holder can apply to the consent authority to change or cancel conditions attached to a resource consent (other than the duration of the consent). An application to change or cancel conditions of consent is treated in the same way as a resource consent application for a discretionary activity. 28d884ad-7ff4-4351-a08b-e073919ac073
Whether an application should be treated as seeking a variation or consent to a materially different activity is a question of fact and degree to be determined by comparing the activity for which consent was granted and the nature of the activity if the variation were approved. Where the variation would result in a fundamentally different activity or one having materially different adverse effects or would expand or extend the original activity it should be treated as a new application. a2d09093-1a12-40c1-be96-638c0a83eebc
An application for a change to consent conditions is processed as if it were an application for resource consent for a discretionary activity and the consent holder were the applicant. The effects which are to be considered are the effects of the change of conditions, not the effects of the consent already granted. In making a notification decision, the consent authority must consider any person who made a submission on the original application and every person who may be affected by the new application.
If you are a consent holder and you wish to apply for a change or cancellation of a condition of your consent you will need to prepare an application in accordance with Form 10.
If an application for a change or cancellation of a consent condition is notified a submission must be prepared in accordance with Form 15.
Section 127 Resource Management Act 1991
Body Corporate 970101 v Auckland City Council [2000] NZRMA 202 upheld inBody Corporate 97010 v Auckland City Council [2000] 3 NZLR 513
Last updated at 3:18PM on December 11, 2014