How are applications notified?

When applications are notified, a notice is published on the local authority’s website (along with the application and all supporting information) and a short summary of the notice is published in a newspaper circulating in the area likely to be affected. 3d7b058e-5d04-42ea-8431-de6adbabd9d4 . A notification sign is often put on the applicant's property. In addition, the following parties are served with a copy of the application: 5eb70e0a-15f6-4231-adde-b1ea5c3178b0

  • All affected persons;
  • Owners/occupiers of the land to which the application relates;
  • The relevant regional council or territorial authority;
  • Iwi authorities, other local authorities and other parties that the council considers should be given notice;
  • The Minister of Conservation (if the application affects the coastal marine area or land adjoining it);
  • The Minister of Fisheries, the Minister of Conservation, and the relevant Fish and Game Council (if the application relates to fish farming outside the coastal marine area);
  • The Historic Places Trust (if the land is subject to a heritage order, is identified in the plan as having heritage value, or if the application affects a registered place/area under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014);
  • A protected customary rights group that, in the opinion of the consent authority, may be adversely affected by the grant of a resource consent or the review of consent conditions;
  • A customary marine title group that, in the opinion of the consent authority, may be adversely affected by the grant of a resource consent for an accommodated activity; and
  • Transpower New Zealand, if the application may affect the national grid.

The notice must give adequate and accurate information to identify the activity and site so as to alert the public to the fact that they might be affected. The notice must direct people to where to obtain information on the proposal. 291627e9-2382-48c7-b96e-edf0a4a2586c

  1. Section 2AB, RMA

  2. Clause 10 Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003

  3. Queenspark Residents Association Inc v Christchurch City Council (NZEnvC C144/01, 28 August 2001)

Last updated at 10:51AM on January 5, 2018