Who are affected protected customary rights groups or affected customary marine title groups?
Recognition of protected customary rights and customary marine title is provided for under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.
A protected customary rights group will be an ‘affected protected customary rights group’ if the activity may have adverse effects on the protected customary right, unless the group has given written approval for the activity. b4cfb523-0f56-4c60-af57-a3faf5c911c2
A customary marine title group will be an ‘affected customary marine title group’ if an accommodated activity may have adverse effects on the exercise of the rights applying to a customary marine title group, unless they have given prior written approval for the activity that has not been withdrawn. 551a65b3-8a46-465f-b09c-065197e49dbe
Section 95F Resource Management Act 1991
Section 95G Resource Management Act 1991
Last updated at 3:08PM on December 10, 2014