Application received by consent authority
The process commences when a person lodges an application with the resource consent authority, which must include an assessment of effects on the environment. The consent authority may reject an application as incomplete if it does not include the prescribed information or an adequate assessment of environmental effects. fe9406a8-744a-4376-b684-f419c2911d79 The consent authority has 10 working days to determine whether the application is incomplete. It must immediately return an incomplete application, with written reasons for the determination.
The consent authority can defer the processing of the application if other resource consents are required and, for the purpose of better understanding the nature of the proposal, applications for those resource consents should be lodged before proceeding further. 2615f567-45f9-41e1-9b5c-012e1320b7dd
It is considered good resource management practice for all required consents to be identified from the outset, applied for contemporaneously and considered together. This ensures that all effects, including cumulative effects, can be taking into account in decided whether consents should be granted.
Once the application is lodged it becomes public information. The Council will provide copies of the application to people who ask for them. Where the application contains material which is commercially sensitive the Council may agree to keep the sensitive information private.
Section 88 Resource Management Act 1991
Section 91 Resource Management Act 1991
Affco NZ Ltd v Far North District Council [1994] NZRMA 224
Last updated at 5:03PM on March 9, 2015