Hearing held

The applicant and any submitter who stated they wished to be heard at the hearing may speak (either personally or through a representative) and call evidence. 9042f762-7be8-459c-b279-5e833360e297  The applicant and submitters who stated they wish to be heard must be given at least 10 working days' notice of the hearing. 9d1b3f1d-46b4-4de7-8b47-ac4ea6a56ff8

The council will usually commission a council officer or a consultant to prepare a report on the application. The report,and briefs of evidence for any witness to be called by the consent authority, is required to be circulated to the applicant and submitted who stated they wish to be heard at least fifteen working days before the hearing. The report is generally very useful for preparing submissions to the hearing panel.

The applicant is required to provide brief of evidence for any witness it intends to call at least ten working days before the hearing. A submitter who wishes to call evidence must provide briefs of evidence at least five working days before the hearing. 123c4327-aa13-4bbc-b321-3ae1aa135049

The hearing must: 085ecd18-f076-4466-b934-7b0291d711f5

  • Be held in public, unless otherwise required for the protection of sensitive information;
  • Be appropriate and fair in the circumstances;
  • Avoid unnecessary formality;
  • Recognise tikanga Māori where appropriate;
  • Not permit anyone other than members of the hearing body to question any person; and
  • Not permit cross-examination.

Consent authorities have broad powers to manage hearings. They can:

Consent authorities can strike out submissions before or at the hearing on the basis that they are frivolous or vexatious, disclose no reasonable or relevant case, would otherwise constitute an abuse of process, supported only by evidence that purports to be independent expert evidence but is not, or contains offensive language. 62c3d902-6b18-4bf1-a44c-32ea9b0df1b9  

There is no direct appeal right in respect of such a strike out decision but there is a right of objection to the consent authority under section 357. A decision on the objection can then be appealed to the Environment Court.

The chairs of hearings panels are to be accredited and the majority of hearings panel members are to be accredited. 3eb46985-49dc-4c59-9d4d-3e1529c859b0

No decision will be rendered invalid, however, if this requirement is breached. 61ac6df4-d5c3-40e0-be9f-fd68b7fbe493  The Minister for the Environment approves qualifications establishing a person's accreditation. 1c3cc87b-58d7-4a2e-9f5d-ddfe7ac106d7

If an application was publicly notified, the hearing must be completed within 75 working days of submissions closing. If an application was limited notified, the hearing must be completed within 45 working days of submissions closing. 4d99655d-4c44-4470-b399-e3cda386e07d

  1. Section 40(1) Resource Management Act 1991

  2. Section 101(3) Resource Management Act 1991

  3. Section 39 Resource Management Act 1991

  4. Section 40(2) Resource Management Act 1991

  5. Section 40(3) Resource Management Act 1991

  6. Section 41(1) Resource Management Act 1991

  7. Section 41(1) Resource Management Act 1991

  8. Section 41B Resource Management Act 1991

  9. Section 41B Resource Management Act 1991

  10. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  11. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  12. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  13. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  14. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  15. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  16. Section 42 Resource Management Act 1991


  17. Section 41C Resource Management Act 1991

  18. Section 39B Resource Management Act 1991

  19. Section 39C Resource Management Act 1991

  20. Section 39A Resource Management Act 1991

  21. Section 103B RMA

  22. Section 103A RMA

  23. Section 39AA RMA

Last updated at 4:19PM on August 20, 2021