Submissions lodged

Where an application is given full public notification, any person may make a written submission although there are limitations on the ability of a trade competitor to submit. 99aaf901-4294-4968-be2f-105f043f5969  

Trade competitors can only make a submission if they are directly affected by an effect of the activity that adversely affects the environment and does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition. bded851f-9c99-49b6-ba50-9e45a0188602

If an application is given limited notification, only those parties served with a notice of the application can make a submission and the rights of trade competitors to make a submission are again limited. f4994cf8-5df4-40db-bca5-964980f3248c  

Submissions must be lodged with the consent authority by the 20th working day after public notification. b662893b-2eae-4eac-a834-06ff819c54be  However, if limited notification was given, an earlier closing date may be adopted if the consent authority has received a submission, written approval, or notice the person will not make a submission from all affected persons. b766ac25-5946-4b43-872f-b179c3167f97

Submissions must also be served on the applicant as soon as reasonably practicable.

Submissions must follow Form 13 and state:

  • The name of the submitter
  • The name of applicant
  • The application which is being submitted on
  • A description of the application (such as proposed activity and location)
  • The specific parts of the application to which the submission relates
  • Whether you support, oppose or are neutral regarding the application
  • The reasons for the submission
  • The decision sought from the consent authority (including any conditions) 
  • Whether or not the submitter wishes to be heard at a hearing
  • Whether the submitter will present a joint case with anyone who makes a similar submission
  • Whether the submitter requests an independent commissioner
  • The name, postal address, telephone and email address of the submitter

For more information click here.

  1. Section 96 Resource Management Act 1991

  2. Section 308B Resource Management Act 1991

  3. Section 96 Resource Management Act 1991

  4. Section 97 Resource Management Act 1991

  5. Section 97 RMA

Last updated at 5:03PM on March 9, 2015