Surrender of consent
A consent holder may surrender a consent, in whole or in part, by giving written notice to the consent authority. 57e2c1cf-1725-4236-b1c6-9951d0548484 The consent authority may refuse to accept the surrender of part of a resource consent where that would affect the integrity of the consent, affect the ability of the consent holder to meet other conditions of the consent or lead to an adverse environmental effect.
A consent may be surrendered at any time, even prior to the determination of appeals.
A person who surrenders a resource consent remains liable for any breach of conditions prior to the surrender of consent and to complete any work to give effect to the consent unless the consent authority directs otherwise in its notice of acceptance of the surrender. e81f4c24-c0b0-42cc-9ccb-7ad61aa93f70
Section 138 Resource Management Act 1991
Fordyce Farms Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council (NZEnvC C208/01, 21 November 2001)
Section 138 Resource Management Act 1991
Last updated at 3:26PM on December 11, 2014